

Chairman’s Message

We are living in the age of information. In this modern era, technology has become an es sential factor in everybody’s life. Technology is used as tool to support and promote human learning. Every day comes new gadgets and software. The more technology advances, the more benefits it provides to students and individuals at every stage of life.
Though the state is primarily responsible to provide education in the country, this objective cannot be achieved without realization and joint efforts by the stakeholders of our society. I am proud of the fact that Allied Schools has taken innovative initiatives to enable our students to meet the lifetime challenges.

Mian Amer Mahmood, Chairman
Chairman Board of Governors
University of Central Punjab
Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Capital University of Science & Technology
Roznama Dunya
Chief Executive
Dunya Television Network
Lahore News
Punjab Group of Colleges
Allied Schools
EFA Schools
Hadaf Group of Colleges
STEP Schools
Zero Carbon
Tower Technologies
Country Developers
Doctors Hospital & Medical Center
Lahore Medical & Dental College

Executive Director’s Message

Striving for Excellence

What will education look like in years to come! Future is here at Allied Schools, I am very much confident. The methods, accessibility, and other aspects of Teaching-Learning Process (TLPs) are changing through the ages. But now education has started the process of revolutionary change. Now ideas are coming-up with a scope of better teaching and learning future.
Technology and education are making a serious and positive bonding now. The entire educational scenario will be changed and will become more scientific and technology based, whatwe envisaged.
We at Allied Schools are endeavoring to do compatible arrangements for all the stakeholders to meet future needs ofteachers, students, parents, our society and the globe at large.

Prof. Sohail Afzal, Executive Director

Project Director's Message

What will education look like in years to come! Future is here at Allied Schools, I am very much confident. The methods, accessibility, and other aspects of Teaching-Learning Process (TLPs) are changing through the ages. But now education has started the process of revolutionary change. Now ideas are coming-up with a scope of better teaching and learning future.

Technology and education are making a serious and positive bonding now. The entire educational scenario will be changed and will become more scientific and technology based, whatwe envisaged.

We at Allied Schools are endeavoring to do compatible arrangements for all the stakeholders to meet future needs ofteachers, students, parents, our society and the globe at large.

Dr. Shahid Mahmood, Project Director
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